What is the trunsored?

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trunsored: n samples with r failure observed, but some will not be broken.

censored: homogeneous n samples with r failure observed.

truncated: homogeneous r failure observed.





2006, IEEE Reliability Society Japan Chapter Award (Best Paper)
(H. Hirose: The Trunsored Model and Its Applications to Lifetime Analysis: Unified Censored and Truncated Models, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.54, No.1, pp.11-21 (2005.3))abstract


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The mixed trunsored model with applications to SARS: http://top25.sciencedirect.com/?journal_id=03784754 (4/2007-6/2007 in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation) abstract

Full Paper:

H. Hirose: Estimation for the size of fragile population in the trunsored and truncated models with application to the confidence interval for the case fatality ratio of SARS, Information, Vol.12, No.1, pp.33-50 (2009.1) Abstract

H. Hirose: The mixed trunsored model with applications to SARS, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.72, No.6, pp.443-453 (2007.4) Available online 2 October 2006 abstract

H. Hirose: The trunsored model and its applications to lifetime analysis: unified censored and truncated models, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.54, No.1, pp.11-21 (2005.3) abstract

H. Hirose: Failure Probability Estimation from Inferior and Quality Mixed Populations, Information, Vol.7, No.3, pp.417-430, 2004.5 abstract


廣瀬:トランザードデータアナリシス, 日本信頼性学会誌, Vol.30, No.9, pp.337-344 (2006.9, 平成18.9) abstract


廣瀬:九工大世界トップ技術西日本新聞社,pp. 110-115(2006.6)(平成18.6発行)


廣瀬:Trunsored data analysis (2005年度論文賞), IEEE Reliability Japan Chapter Annual Meeting, (2006.8.5, 平成18.8.5 電気通信大学、IEEE論文賞記念講演(招待))


H. Hirose: Estimation for the number of fragile samples in the trunsored and truncated models with application to the case fatality ratio for the infectious diseases, "6th Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields", January 17-19, 2007 at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa in Honolulu, Hawaii abstract

H. Hirose, T. Matsumoto: Mixed Trunsored Model with Application to the Lifetime Estimation of Malcondition Items, "the 52nd Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS)", 11A3, pp.392- 395, January 23 - 26, 2006 at Newport Beach Marriott, CA abstract

H. Hirose : The mixed trunsored model with applications to the SARS case, "3rd Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields", June 9-12, 2004, at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel,Honolulu abstract

H. Hirose : Trunsored Data Analysis with Applications to Field Data, "Hawaii International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields", June 5-9, 2002, at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel,Honolulu abstract

H. Hirose : Failure Rate Estimation from Inferior and Quality Mixed Populations, "Hawaii International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields", June 5-9, 2002, at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel,Honolulu abstract


H. Hirose: Estimation for the sample size in incomplete data cases, 電子情報通信学会信頼性研究会, IEICE Technical Report, vol. 107, no. 270, R2007-37, pp.1-6 (2007.10) (平成19.10.19) 九州大学(福岡)

松本, 廣瀬: Trunsored modelとSARS死亡率の信頼度: 地域による変動, 2006年度統計関連学会連合大会, pp.256 (平成18.9.8) 東北大学(仙台)

廣瀬, 松本, 中山: 連続・2値データが混合されたTrunsoredモデルのパラメータ推定, 日本信頼性学会第13回研究発表会報文集, pp.87-90 (平成17.5.23) 日本科学技術連盟東高円寺ビル

廣瀬: The trunsored model and its applications to lifetime analysis: unified censored and truncated models, 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート174, 極値理論の工学への応用(2)、統計数理研究所 (2005.3)

廣瀬: The trunsored data analysis, 統計数理研究所研究会.極値理論の工学への応用, 統計数理研究所 (平成16.11.10)、平成16年度共同研究(課題番号16−共研−4002)

廣瀬, 大野: Trunsored Modelによるdurable, fragile混在製品の混合比の尤度比検定, 日本信頼性学会第12回研究発表会報文集, pp.47-50 (平成16.5.24) 日本科学技術連盟東高円寺ビル

廣瀬, 麻生, 占部: SARS解析, 2003年度統計関連学会連合大会, pp.387-388 (平成15.9.5) 名城大学(名古屋)

廣瀬, 小守, 天野、白村: 不良品のサンプル数の推定, 日本信頼性学会第12回信頼性シンポジウム, pp.47-58 (平成11.11.1)

廣瀬, 中山: 良品・不良品が混合されたときの不良品の不具合発生率の推定, 日本信頼性学会第14回信頼性シンポジウム, pp.781-784 (平成13.10.28)

Technical Report:

Hideo Hirose, The mixed trunsored model with applications to SARS in detail, Technical Report CSSE-06-25 (Faculty of Computer Science & Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, June 12, 2006.


廣瀬:「SARS死亡率の早期推定法」、2005年度修猷館高校ハイレベル実験実習、平成17年11月13日(日)10:30〜15:00、九州工業大学情報工学部コンピュータラボ(事前研修、 平成17年10月28日(金)16:00〜17:30、 平成17年11月11日(金)16:00〜18:20)

広瀬:「不良品のサンプル数の推定」, パネル産学官技術交流会.2000、九州工業大学情報工学部 (2000.??.??)


山田節夫、特許の実証経済分析、東洋経済新報社(2009.4); RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY 94 463-473 2009 ; MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION 74 443-453 2007