

Low probability breakdown voltage esimtion for the new step-up test method

Hideo Hirose


統計数理, Vol.52, No.1, pp.175-187 (平成16.6)

Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol.52, No.1, pp.175-187 (2004.6)


The conventional step-up test method has been used to estimate the impulse breakdown voltages used in the field of the field of electrical insulation engineering. This method uses two-valued discrete data according to the result of insulation broken or non-broken information. We can now accurately measure impulse waveforms by recently developed fast memorable measuring equipment. With this equipment, we can observe the continuous breakdown voltage data, resulting in more accurate breakdown voltage estimates. We call this method the new step-up test method. This article discusses the optimum test method in both the conventional and new test methods, and compare the estimating errors of the low probability breakdown voltages in both methods.

Key Words
Keywords: impulse breakdown voltage, step-up method, new step-up method, step-up distance, normal
distribution, Weibull distribution, gumbel distribution



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Mathematical Review: 1(Reviewer: Katsuji Uosaki)