Easy estimation by a new parameterization for the three-parameter lognormal distribution
Komori Y, Hirose H

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 74 (1): pp.63-74 (2004.1)

A new parameterization and algorithm are proposed for seeking the primary relative maximum of the likelihood function in the three-parameter lognormal distribution. The parameterization yields the dimension reduction of the three-parameter estimation problem to a two-parameter estimation problem on the basis of an extended lognormal distribution. The algorithm provides the way of seeking the profile of an object function in the two-parameter estimation problem. It is simple and numerically stable because it is constructed on the basis of the bisection method. The profile clearly and easily shows whether a primary relative maximum exists or not, and also gives a primary relative maximum certainly if it exists.
Key Words

extended lognormal distribution, dimension reduction, primary relative maximum, local maximum likelihood estimate, embedded problem

models, shape


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