
Monthly Maximum Accumulated Precipitation Forecasting using Local Precipitation Data and Global Climate Modes


Junaida Sulaiman, Herdianti Darwis, and Hideo Hirose


Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.18, No.6 pp.999-1006 (2014.11)


Successive days of precipitation are known to cause flood in monsoon-type countries. Forecasting of daily precipitation helps us to predict the occurrences of rainfall and number of wet days. By using the maximum five-day accumulated precipitation, we can predict the magnitude of precipitation in a specific period as it may indicate the extreme precipitation. In this study, a method to forecast monthly extreme precipitation using artificial neural networks (ANN) was assessed by using past data of the maximum accumulated five-day precipitation (MX5d) and global climate indices such as Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Madden Jullian Oscillation (MJO) and Dipole Mode Index (DMI) in Kuantan and Kota Bharu, Malaysia. The use of combined inputs (MX5d with SOI, MJO, and DMI) is proposed to investigate the concurrent effect of lagged values of local precipitation data and global climate indices on seasonal extreme precipitation. Four cases of data were sampled which represent two major seasonal variations in Malaysia. The analysis of extreme precipitation trend is important for future prediction of high precipitation events in the area of interest. ANN is widely applied in the hydrology field due to non-linear ability in predicting non-stationary and seasonal data. Here, we have compared ANN with seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)) and regression analysis using out-of-sample test data. The results for Kuantan showed that seasonal ARIMA is the best method to forecast extreme precipitation when MX5d lags were used as inputs. For Kota Bharu, ANN has better generalisation ability than ARIMA and regression analysis when dual inputs (lagged MX5d and lagged global climate indices) were utilized in the model.

Key Words
artificial neural networks; particle swarm optimization; extreme precipitation; seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA); regression analysis



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