
長時間V-t(電圧ー寿命)特性が逆n乗則t=kV-nに従うときの最適V-t 試験法

Optimum V-t ( VoItage-Lifetime ) Test Design When V-t Characteristics is Subject to the Inverse Power Law t=KV-n





電気学会論文誌A, Vol.106-A, No.10, pp.445-545 (昭和61.10)

Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol.106-A, No.10, pp.445-545 (1986.10)

We assrune the following two. ( 1. ) The lifetime under constant voltage s.tress T is subjected to the Weibuli distribution. ( 2 ) There exists the relation of the inverse powver Iaw t =1t~L"-" betlveen voltage stress L' and lifetime l. In addition, we set the censored time 7' of cutting off the test. Then. ~ve can minimize the variance of estimator 7~ under the ser\'ice \'oltage T・~. 'I'hat is-, we can optimize the V-! test, \vhere 7:* is the time ~vhen x(o./o) test pieces are broken. The optimized test has the followillg wa},'・ \Ve s_et the 2 voltage stress level T~ and V!. \vhere l・', is. set as high as- possible. T・1 and Nt (the numbcr of test pieces at level Vf) are set to lllillimize the variElnce (,f 7~. ~1'he calculation of minilnizati()n is s o c(]nlpiex that we can not kno\v T"t and Nl easily \\ ith(,ut the aid of numerical analysis_ s_uch as Romberg integration and N e\vton・ Raphson method. 'I'hus, \ve propose the quasi-optilnum tes;.t method. This_ n]ethod is \'ery eas. y al]cl the efriciency is. not s_o Vol. 106. No 9,,10, Sep.,,'Oct , 1986
reduced. The way is the following, \,Ve set the voltage V, corresponding to time 7' on the provisional V-t line and N,/N=0.75, O.70 (x=50, 5 respectively), where, N is the number of total test pieces. ~Ve can expect to save a geat deal of test pieces by using optimum or quasi・optimum test method compar-ed with the conventional one, where the voltage levels are 3 -4 and NilN (the rate of the test pieces at stress level i, i=1...m) is 1/m. For instance, when x=50, we sometimes can cut it off about a half.

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