Estimation of The Threshold Stress in Accelerated Life Testing

H. Hirose

IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.42 , No.4 , pp.650-657 (1993.12)

This method uses accelerated life-test data to estimate the mean life at the service stress and the threshold stress below which a failure is unlikely to occur. The relation between stress and mean-life at that stress is assumed to follow an inverse power law that includes a threshold stress. The failure times at a given stress are assumed to follow a Weibull distribution in which the shape parameter varies with the stress. This model extends the well-known Weibull inverse power law model. If only the mean life but not a specific percentile point at a service stress is sought, the maximum likelihood method is useful for parameter estimation. This is a tradeoff in the parametric approach. For adoption of an appropriate probability model, the likelihood ratio test as well as the Akaike Information Criterion are used. Type I right-censored data are considered. Extensions of the method are discussed.

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Times Cited in Web of Science: 30

Times Cited in Scopus: 11

Times Cited in Google Scholar: 63

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A.C. Davison, D.V. Hinkley, Bootstrap Methods and Their Application, Cambridge (1997)

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