Optimum and Semi-optimum Life Test Plans of
Electrical Insulation for Thermal Stress
Hideo HIROSE, Takenori SAKUMURA, and Naoki
IEEE Trans., Dielectrics
and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 22,
Issue 1, pp. 488-494, February 2015.
DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2014.004506
that the Arrhenius law holds between the thermal stress and the
lifetime, and that the logarithmic lifetime follows some consistent
probability distributions at a con- stant stress. Under such life
models, it is crucial to show the optimum test design from an efficiency
viewpoint. It would also be useful to know the semi-optimum test
plan in which the efficiency is close to that in the optimum one
and the test condition is simple. The optimization target is to
find the optimum number of test specimens at each test stress level,
and we consider the case of the number of stress level is three.
The criterion for optimality is measured by the root mean squared
error for the lifetime in use condi- tion. To take into account
the reality, we used the parameter values in a real experi- mental
case. Comparing the optimum results with those using the conventional
test method where test specimens are equally allocated to each
test stress level, we have found that there is only a small difference
between the optimum test result and the con- ventional test result
if linearity of the Arrhenius plot is required. We may regard the
conventional test plan as one of the semi-optimum test plans. We
have checked the con- sistency between the theoretical results
and the simulation results.
test plan, semi-optimum test plan, thermal deterioration,
Arrhenius law, normal distribution, generalized Pareto
distribution, generalized logistic distribution, method of
least squares, maximum likelihood estimation method |
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